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Government Affairs Update

CPS Energy, Bexar County, City Agendas, San Antonio Development Services Stats and Critical 2021 Building Code Information

Posted 07/10/20

CPS Energy Portal to be shut down this weekend-7/11/20  and 7/12/20

CPS will be working on their website this weekend to make a software update under their Energy Construction & Renovation Initiative.  CPS Energy is working to provide additional features on the portal.  There is more information on the improvements that they are making on the link below.

Jose Trevino with CPS Energy also shared on a call I attended this morning that CPS is working on a video to address gas meter installation and rough in challenges and best practices.  I will send the video to each of you as soon as it is available.

If you are having an issue that needs to be addressed, please email me.  I will share your issues and comments with members of the CPS team right away.

Bexar County Development Services Department Update

We received the attached communication (link below) from Renee Green, Director of Public Works and the County Engineer with Bexar County.   If you are developing, building or pulling a permit in Bexar County, please let your staff, contractors and subcontractors know that there will be delays.

City of San Antonio Development Services Update

I participated on a call this morning with members from the Development Services Department, CPS,  RECSA, local leaders and Past President Michael Moore who is one of GSABA’s Government Affairs Chairs.    I am including the agenda and all attachments.

There is a wealth of information on the attached link.  Here are the highlights:

  • The Floodplain RID was discussed.  FEMA did an audit of San Antonio in May of 2019 to redefine the ‘Floodway’ to match the 10 year storm.   The Floodplain Ordinance has onerous regulations as it relates to exiting homes.  We will keep you informed of changes that could affect you and the residential construction industry.
  • There are updates to the IB 578 Bond Process for new infrastructure development in accordance with the Unified Development Code (UDC) Sections 35-437.  There will be changes to the Performance and Warranty Standards as well as the guarantee forms.
  • Michael Shannon reported that the City of San Antonio exceeded their projections in June for residential permits as well as commercial permits.   In addition, inspections topped 1,000 this week.  They had dropped to 800 to 900 inspections in April and May.   Permit and Inspection revenue exceeded projections for the year through June and came in at $3.6 million which is 11% over budget.
  • There is a hiring freeze within the department. However, DSD is meeting a one to two day turnaround time on permits and Inspections as of today’s date.   The performance standards can be found by clicking the link below.
  • We are monitoring the proposed changes to the  Deconstruction Ordinance that the Office of Historic Preservation (OHC) has proposed.   Past GSABA President John Friesenhahn with Imagine Homes and I joined a call with Shanon Miller with the OHC and other local leaders on Wednesday, July 8th.  It is our understanding that the proposed changes are on hold for now.  We will keep you informed.
  • There will be changes to the 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code.  If you have an interest in serving as a GSABA

Representative on the review committee, please email me at  The State has mandated that all municipalities must adopt any changes or amendments on or before September 1st, 2020.   Additional information is available on the link below the Development Services DPTF link.  The meeting will be held via conference call on Monday, July 20th or Tuesday, July 21st.

Development Services DPTF.pdf

International Swimming Pool and Spa Code Information.docx

City Council Agendas Attached

Several Cities within our jurisdiction are conducting virtual Council and Committee meetings.  Please see the most recent agendas attached.

City Council Agendas.pdf

City of San Antonio Planning Agenda July 8, 2020

There is a lot happening in the City of San Antonio.  I wanted to share the Planning Agenda from July 8, 2020.

CoSA Planning Agenda 7.8.20.pdf

Recent Inappropriate Actions Taken by the International Code Council (ICC)

I received an email from the Sr. Officers with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) to inform us that the International Code Council (ICC) is working covertly and diligently to make changes to the 2021 Codes that will severely impact the residential construction industry.  The changes that the ICC proposed for the 2021 Energy Code could increase the cost of a new home in San Antonio by more than $7,000.

Not only will these changes impact cost, they will also have an effect on the design and construction processes.  The second link below has a side by side comparison on the Energy Code changes that I sent to GSABA members in February.

The majority of the changes have been spearheaded by special interest groups who will profit from the changes and severely hurt affordability.

We must stand together to make sure that the ICC is NOT successful with the proposed changes and that we have a seat at the table.  We will put a plan of action in place and we will need support from our membership.

International Code Council (ICC) 2021 Model Codes - IMPORTANT.docx

IRC 2021 Approved Residential Energy Proposals by ICC.pdf

We know that there is a lot of information in the July Government Affairs Report.  We want to keep you informed of what is happening on the local, state and national levels.

On behalf of GSABA President Jeff Czar, the Board of Directors and your Government Affairs Leadership Team, thank you for your membership and for your support.   Please let us know if you are having any issues in the Cities and Counties you are building, remodeling, developing or working in.  We are here to help in any way!