Of the Year Award Winners
"Of the Year" Award Winners are announced at GSABA's annual Holiday Gala and Installation of Officers.
To qualify, a nominee must be an active GSABA member and has contributed the most to the Association in that year through involvement, commitment, and dedication. A nominee must have not received this award in the past three years. Candidates can be self-nominated, nominated by a colleague, or nominated by a GSABA executive officer.
For more information about the awards program call 210-696-3800.
#GSABA #Awards #Winning #Members #Congratulations

Associates of the Year
1991............ Don Coker
1992............Dale Sauer
1993............Gerry Brawner
1994............Gary Javore
1995............ Milton Randle
1996............Denise Blanchard
1997............ Beverly Koehn
1998............ Cheryl Friedman-Garcia
1999............ Sid Wolfe
2000............ Lori Jennings
2001............ Jeff Floyd
2002............Randy Oliver
2003............ Christian Finke
2004............ Art Saldaña
2005............Robert Elder
2006............ Jana Ward
2007............ Albert Hernandez
2008............Dominick Alongi
2009............Roxanne Beavers
2010............ Jack Inselmann
2011............ Karen Montgomery &
Jason Edwards
2012............ Selina Weston
2013............ Nikki Kutach
2014............ Jan Meuth
2015............ Kevin Sassin
2016............ Amy Marie Lopez
2017............ Gilbert Sanchez
2018............ Karen Neighbors
2019............Robb Evans
2020............ Clint Grothues & Luke Grothues
2021............Delayna Kessler
2022............Shawn Cobb
2023............Bryan Lee
2024............Raul Jimenez
Builders of the Year
1969...............Jesse Baker (Deceased)
1971...............Jim Uptmore
1972...............John T. Saunders
1973...............Cliff Morton
1974...............E.H. Jaroszewski
1975...............Lloyd Booth
1979...............William Watson
1980...............Jerry Smith, Sr.
1983...............G.E. Harrington
1984...............Ray Ellison*
1985...............Quincy Lee*
1986...............Cliff Morton
1987...............Harris Connell
1988...............Paul Sword
1989...............Raul Fernandez
1990...............Sam Parnes
1991...............Jerry W. Smith, Sr.
1992............... Lloyd Denton, Jr.
1993...............Michael Espensen
1994...............Allen Ghormley
1995...............Wayne Harwell
1996...............Jesse Adams
1997...............Raul Fernandez
& Steve Zbranek
1998...............Dan Kossl
1999...............Fred Elsner
2000...............William S. Pitman
2001...............Wayne Harwell
2002...............Michael Moore
2003...............J. R. Howard
2004...............Robert Earl
2005...............Jerry Smith, Jr.
2006...............Steve Heflin
2007...............John Friesenhahn
2008...............Mike Hollaway
2009...............John McNair
2010...............Rick Montelongo
2011...............Art Burdick
2012...............Jack Uptmore
2013...............Jim Leonard
2014...............Gary Wilkerson
2015...............Tim Pruski
2016...............Frank Sitterle
2017...............Steve Louis
2018...............Wayne Moravits
2019...............Jeff Buell
2020...............Jeff Kuwamura
2021...............Jeff Czar
2022...............Ed Berlanga
2023............Jack Uptmore
2023............Shad Schmid
Distinguished Single-Family Builders of the Year
1990...............Prestige Homes
1991...............Fox & Jacobs
1992...............David Anderson Homes, Inc.
1993...............Fiesta Custom Homes, Inc.
1995...............Pulte Homes
1996...............David Weekley Homes
1997...............Scott Felder/Ryland Homes and Kaufman & Broad
1998...............Mike Hollaway Custom Homes and Kaufman & Broad
1999...............Partners in Building of S.A, Ltd.
2000...............Smith’s Better Built Homes
2001...............David Anderson Custom Homes
2002...............Continental Homes
2003...............Medallion Homes
2004...............Dugas Diversified Developments, L.C.
2005...............Rendon Homes
2006...............Sitterle Homes
2007...............Armadillo Homes
2008...............Forestar Real Estate
2009...............Dale Sauer, Dale Sauer Homes
2010...............Steven Hanan, Hanan Development
2011...............Stadler Custom Homes
2012...............Jeff Kuwamura, Woodside Homes
2013...............Armadillo Homes
2014...............Terry Jermolajevs, Chesmar Homes
2015...............Sitterle Homes
2016...............Monticello Homes
2017...............Mike Hollaway Custom Homes
2018...............Bella Vista Homes
2019...............Texas Homes
2020...............Adam Wilson Custom Homes
2021...............Scott Felder Homes
2022...............Dale Sauer Homes
2023...............Sitterle Homes
2024...............Robare Custom Homes
Becky Oliver Lifetime Achievement Awards
2015............ Becky Oliver
2017............ Dede Jackson
2019............ Randy Oliver
2020............ Keith Zars
2021............ Jack Inselmann
2023............ Gilbert Sanchez
2024............ Christian Finke
James I Campbell Lifetime Achievement Awards
2000............ Gene Camargo
2001............ Jesse Baker (Deceased)
2002............ Jerry W. Smith, Sr.
2003............ Harris Connell
2004............ Paul Sword
2005............ Jesse Adams
2006............ James Uptmore
2007............ David Anderson
2008............ Robert Earl
2009............ Bill Pitman
2010............ Raul Fernandez
2011............ Don Craighead
2012............ Michael Moore
2013............ Mike Hollaway
2014............ Jerry Smith, Jr.
2018............ Frank Sitterle, Sr.
2020............ Laddie Denton
2024............ Dale Sauer
Spirit Awards
2002................Smith’s Better Built Homes
2003................D.R. Horton
2004................Mike Hollaway Custom Homes
2005................CasaLinda Remodeling
2006................CasaLinda Remodeling/Mike Hollaway Custom Homes
2007................Mormeck Homes
2008................McNair Custom Homes
2009................Stadler Custom Homes
2010................Mike Hollaway Custom Homes
2011................Mike Hollaway Custom Homes
2012................Mike Hollaway Custom Homes
2013................McNair Custom Homes
2014................McNair Custom Homes
2015................Mike Hollaway Custom Homes
2016................Monticello Homes
2017................Sitterle Homes
2018................Armadillo Homes
2019................Chesmar Homes & Sitterle Homes
2020................Sitterle Homes
2021................Sitterle Homes
2022................Sitterle Homes
2023................Sitterle Homes
2024................Sitterle Homes
Spike Awards
All-Time Big Spike
Becky Oliver, 2015 (1,600 Level)
Grand Spike
Mike Hollaway, 2017 (1,000 Level)
Associate of the Year
Gilbert Sanchez, 2017
Gilbert Sanchez, 2018
Dominick Alongi, 2019
Gilbert Sanchez, 2020
Gilbert Sanchez, 2021
Mike Hollaway, 2017
Gilbert Sanchez, 2022
Gilbert Sanchez, 2023
Dominick Alongi, 2024
Builder of the Year
Mike Hollaway, 2018
Mike Hollaway, 2019
Mike Hollaway, 2020
Mike Hollaway, 2021
Dale Sauer, 2022
Dale Sauer, 2023
Jeff Kuwmura, 2024