(210) 338-3101
8187 Blue Oak Way
Garden Ridge, TX
4,700 Sq Ft | 4-Bedrooms
4.5 Bathrooms | 3-Car Garage
About the Builder
Since 1974, Japhet has been a well-known name throughout the San Antonio area and has been highly respected for its excellence in building. Today a third generation Japhet and his wife have entered the industry. Jeff and Paige have combined their experience in homebuilding to independently establish the all new and unique Japhet Builders.
Jeff Japhet is a U. S. Army Veteran who served in the 173rd Airborne Infantry Brigade out of Vicenzia, Italy during the initial invasion of Iraq in 2003-2004 as well as in Afghanistan in 2005-2006. He considers himself beyond blessed to have returned home physically unharmed from these two combat deployments. His passion is to work with disabled veterans that have qualified for the S.A.H. Grant by creating handicap home designs that will provide for the needs of those who were not as fortunate as he was. Those who sustained combat injuries that impact their lives daily require many specific adaptations for their disabilities in their homes. That is what Japhet is designed to build; flexible homes for families that have specific needs, wants and desires.
About the Company
Jeff and Paige have found that their teamwork has created an indescribable closeness in their lives as they are able to share the experiences associated with each home they build and life they touch. Paige loves seeing a family moving into a new home where they can begin to build the memories and legacy of their family that will carry them far into the future. Meanwhile, Jeff knows that he has successfully completed a new home when buyer “Momma” enjoys the home and buyer “Poppa” recognizes that all will be well since a “Happy Wife = Happy Life.”
Our Mission
Our mission is the same today as it always has been since 1974; to help you build your family's legacy. At the end of the day, if Japhet Builders is only known for building beautiful new homes, we have failed. If we're remembered for helping you build your family's legacy, then we did our job and served your family's needs.